big concept collageWith your partner, create a digital big concepts collage illustrating your assigned concepts for Antigone (see this document). You are to use Google Drive to collaborate on a Presentation document that is shared between the two of you and with me: ([email protected])
Your presentation will contain multiple slides (a title slide with your names and content slides, and 1-2 slides for each concept). Content slides should contain/address the following: - the concept - at least 2 sentences about how the concept is related to the characters/events in the play - at least 2 direct quotes from the play that illustrate your concept. Include the speaker (character) as well as the scene and line number(s) in parentheses after the quote and EXPLAIN the significance. Click here or the link above for a PDF of the full text. - MULTIPLE photos/images/visual examples that illustrate your concept and the significance (these should NOT be photos of a production of Antigone) but other visual representations of the concept. Pictures should be "layered" and displayed in a visually appealing way (as you would for a collage on paper) - 1-2 sentences about why this is considered an important concept in the play. NOTE: Content slides should be "full" but still easily read. Be prepared to present your online collages to the class tomorrow. You are, in essence, helping your classmates prepare for the tests on Thursday & Friday. BE SURE TO SHARE THIS DOCUMENT WITH MR. M., PRIOR TO CLASS BEGINNING ([email protected]). |