Below are some resources you might check out as you work on your Communicator’s Connections Blog. You are not required to use any of these, but it might help you get started (or restarted if you get stuck...)
QuotesNews Articles/Statistics, etc.New York Times •• Wall Street Journal •• •• FiveThirtyEight blog ••
Timeline (the website or use the iPhone/iPad app) •• (Harper’s Index) •• Pew Research Center Infographics/videos/memes/photosNew York Times •• FiveThirtyEight blog •• •• •• (TED Talks) •• YouTube •• Eyewitness (The Guardian)
Anecdotes/personal experiencesYOUR VERY OWN LIFE!! •• parents/grandparents •• books of anecdotes (i.e. Chicken Soup series, etc.) •• excerpts from biographies or memoirs •• essay collections (David Sedaris, David Foster Wallace, Kelly Oxford, Joan Didion, etc.) •• Letters of Note (obscure, compelling correspondence & documents) •• Humans of New York •• ••
If you are unsure as to what you need to include in the response for each entry, please first check the prompt you received in class!
Prompt for Connections Blog |