In-text citations
Below are examples of proper in-text citation for the source(s) you are quoting in your rhetorical analysis essay. You will notice that, regardless of format, citations include both the author name and the page number in some way.
Jane Goodall - "I Acknowledge Mine"
American Medical Association - "Use of Animals in Biomedical Research"
Works Cited Page
Pictured below is what your Works Cited page will look like. Because you are choosing ONE essay (AMA or Goodall) to discuss, your Works Cited page will include only ONE entry. I have already looked up the bibliographical information for both essays for you. You will need to find the information yourselves for future assignments. (FYI: You should put the page numbers of your quotes where you see ### below).
When in doubt about MLA, always check the Purdue OWL website for help.
REMEMBER: Your entire paper should be in MLA format. This means the Works Cited page is also double-spaced but uses hanging indentation (a half inch in). If you forget how to do this in Google Docs, consult this help page.
When in doubt about MLA, always check the Purdue OWL website for help.
REMEMBER: Your entire paper should be in MLA format. This means the Works Cited page is also double-spaced but uses hanging indentation (a half inch in). If you forget how to do this in Google Docs, consult this help page.